Friday, October 24, 2014

HALLOWEEN: Wes Anderson Edition

In honor of Halloween and my Etsy Shop, here are some Wes Anderson themed Halloween costume ideas!

Fantastic Mr. Fox (Of course.)
For Mr. Fox you need a mask, brown corduroy suit, and a sly yet charming disposition.
Mrs. Fox is an artist, so you'll need a vintage yellow shift dress, an apron for your paintbrushes, and of course, a fox mask.
The masks I sell in my Etsy shop are the obvious choices, and they're $10 off with the coupon code PROCRASTINATE14 until October 29. 

The Royal Tenenbaums (My very favorite Wes Anderson film.)

Margot Tenenbaum is an iconic character, with a striped tennis dress, clunky loafers, a long fur coat and a classic designer purse. The little details finish the outfit off: a small, red hair clip, lots of black eyeliner, a pack of cigarettes (candy, preferably), and a finger cap to cover up that unfortunate wood chopping incident. I'd like to make my own, but if you're short on time or creativity, maybe wrap some brown tape around your right ring finger.

Richie Tenenbaum is an easy character to dress as, with a brown sport coat, soccer jersey, and a striped sweatband over long brown hair. Don't forget a beard and tennis racket and maybe a pair of aviators.

BONUS: Margot and Richie Tenenbaum are a great couple costume!

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (My Other Favorite)

Being a Crew Member from The Life Aquatic is the most flexible costume, because each character has their own style within the uniform guidelines. You'll need to stitch some blue stripes on a light blue shirt and pants, a red fitted hat in the style of your choosing, and a glock strapped on your leg.

These costumes have become very common, but I think they're becoming classics, rather than irritating. The other movies have great costume inspiration as well, but these are my favorites. You can find most of the items you need at the thrift store, but remember Etsy for more specific items.

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