Tuesday, May 1, 2012

on the road

So yesterday, as I was looking up an image of one of my favorite quotes (which I noticed later was missing one or two adjectives... whatever.), I noticed there will be a film adaptation of On the Road out this year. I was relieved to see that it's in good hands. Francis Ford Copppola bought the rights thirty-three years ago and has finally assembled an experienced cast and crew to pull it off. The director, Walter Salles, has done his research, travelling the same route Jack did, and put the cast through some sort of beatnik boot camp before filming.

Sounds good. Don't screw it up!



  1. I have to admit I've never read the book, and I need to! But this looks gooood. Some really great actors...

  2. Yay! Thanks Morgo!

    I love the actor that plays dean. Mmmmm, yup.

  3. I read this book when I was 22 in 1982 and it threw me into an incredible summer of discovery. I would be hard pressed to think of a book that hit me harder than this one.


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