Monday, February 27, 2012

brussel sprouts!

Yesterday we celebrated my Grandma's birthday (which is today~Happy Birthday Grandma!!) with a big dinner at her house. I made these brussel sprouts which I tried for the first time last month. Since it was a new recipe for a lot of us I'm sharing it here. (For my auntie and mama especially!)

This is Gwyneth Paltrow's recipe; I found it on the Food Coma blog:

Needed: 1 pound brussels sprouts, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, a few heavy pinches of sea salt, and a lemon for serving.

First you need to trim your sprouts if they have too much stem. Then steam them for 6-7 minutes until they are just beginning to turn bright green. Next you need to brown them in a shallow skillet with olive oil over medium/high heat. Lay them in the pan in one layer and just let them cook for 4-5 minutes. You can shake the pan a bit to make sure they don’t stick, but resist the temptation to flip them early. You want to get them slightly crispy, but try not too burn them. Then flip and cook an additional 3 minutes. I had to cook mine in two batches as my pan wasn’t large enough to fit them all.

Just before serving drizzle on a bit more olive oil, sprinkle on the sea salt, and squeeze on the juice from a lemon.

 Yesterday I skipped steaming them and baked them instead of cooking them in a pan. They turned out just as good, I put them in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes on one side then 10 on the other and let them get blackened a little bit.

Mmmm, I want more right now....

Eat your veggies, kids!
love, nico.

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tell me about it.