Thursday, December 1, 2011

my life...

Hello! I'm Nicole Mikkelsen: crafter, lover, reader, rocker, dancer, baker, curator, gardener, story teller, road tripper, and student of the world around me. I live and love in Grand Rapids, Michigan, upstairs in an old house with two cats and my cousin Danny, and right down the street from a handsome young man named Tony. 

Tony and I are a crazy couple of people who can't get enough of each other and always make sure to keep busy with lots of adventures.

I rescued Novia right after I graduated high school. She's my snuggler. Unfortunately, she really prefers to only snuggle with me. Attempts made by most other friends result in unfriendly low growl/groans that in English would sound a little bit like "Excuse me, who are you and what do you think you're doing? Please stop immediately." But isn't she pretty?

Crazy Chicken Little was found and brought to us at the Coat of Many Colors when he was way too young and I had to feed him with a dropper. I blame most of his quirks on starting life at the store with dogs and throngs of people each day shouting, "A kitten! A kitten!" and then smothering him. (And sometimes stepping on him.) He keeps things interesting and funny.

One day I will open a vintage clothing store here in town and it will be lovely. And it may be sooner than later.... 

...Stay tuned.


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