Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ha ha tonka

Soooooo, GREAT NEWS! Ha Ha Tonka is coming back to Founders for a show with The Wildfire and Delilah DeWylde and the Lost Boys and it's freeeeeee! Everything about this is perfect.

I can't even remember when it was I saw them last, but it was at Founders, and it was love at first sight. Uhm, love with their boots, it was. Scratch that, I was single and they were great! They did not take Heather and I up on our Excellent Tour of Grand Rapids offer, unfortunately. Maybe this time?  
Anyway, the new album sounds amazing, and this, my dears, is a taste:

Ha Ha Tonka, "Usual Suspects" from Bloodshot Records on Vimeo.

I also just read that they toured in 2010 with Rocky Votolato. That is awesome. I am obviously not great at keeping track of bands that I love, and am crying on the inside that I didn't get to any of those shows. Do better than me! Here you go:

Rocky Votolato
Ha Ha Tonka

And thank Founders for their having great taste (pun intended!!) when hosting music, and drink up!


p.s. what's your favorite Founders brew?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Founders! I alternate between Dirty Bastard (cuz I am one) and Oatmeal Stout (to keep my tummy happy and my impairedness under control).



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